For example, in 2010 I was raising support for my 2nd Missions trip to the Dominican Republic. Funds were coming in much slower than I had planned(I planned, thats funny), having raised around $200-$300 by which time I needed at least TWICE that. I was beginning to see my hopes of going fade away. If I was to go it was going to HAVE to be a miracle. I remember one night at one of our conferences at The Cause (while Anthony and I prepared one of our skits), Caz came up to me and said "How much do you still need to go to the DR? Someone wants to give some support." I told her straight up, "I need somewhere around $1500." Caz left for a moment, came back, and said this "Ok Lou, you're trip has been paid for, you're all set." I was speechless. Who in their right mind would help me with that much support? God really works through people. We truly are His hands and feet. Whoever it was wasn't using their "right mind", they were using their heart for God. I was truly blessed. Shocked and blessed.
The Angel opens up with, "Do not be afraid..." as he often does. If you continue reading the Angel also appears to Mary(the Virgin) and again must say, "Do not be afraid...". As I read this I could almost see the expression on the Angels face. I think that the Angel is saying more than just "Do not be afraid of ME" but is also saying "Do not doubt, the Lord is with you" or "Why are you so surprised? Doesn't the Lord come through?"
In our Spirit we believe and follow the Lord. It's our flesh that's to blame for our disbelief. Galatians 5:17 says this, "For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want."
I have to admit to the Lord that I do wrestle against unbelief. I love the story in Mark chapter 9, when a man asks Jesus to heal his son. The man exclaims "...I DO believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" That prayer has become one of my favorites. Just one of the moments that I am at my most sincere with God. I have to admit that I HAVE unbelief, and then ask for HIS strength to overcome it.
I pray this finds you well and encourages you to keep pressing on. Final 2 days of fasting. God is Awesome!
PS - The option to give and support me financially is always there. I'm getting creative in how to raise some support here myself. I'm starting with collecting cans! Odd jobs are next! The support button under the picture to my right works too!
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