Some of us have heard this before. For me, now having been a Christian for 5 years, it definitely means much more. I can reflect now on my youth and how swayed I was by the world. I remember being in the 7th grade, listening to Dr. Dre's The Chronic 2001with my friends and being SUPER into Gangster rap. In a foreshadowing to that a few years earlier purchasing Bone thugs-in-Harmony's album 1999. Then the next year, following the trend of my friends, diving into the world of TECHNO and House music. After that came what I like to call the KROQ phase, then the "Punk" phase, then the "Hardcore" phase.
My gosh! Obviously it was music and my friends that surrounded me that I found my identity in. I could look at my past and say "Well all kids go through that, trying to find their identity etc." While that may be true I definitely see examples of this still happening with "Adults"; People in their 20s, 30s, 40s, who still haven't found their identity, still being blown and tossed by the wind.
I feel moved to share about this now because having been here in Hawaii for some time, I myself have definitely been challenged about my beliefs and what I stand for. There are many causes out there. For me, obviously it is the cause of Christ that fuels my passion, my love for people, and my desire to make him famous. I'm sold out for that. Yet I ask myself, "How am I STANDING up for that cause?" You see standing is an ACTION. I could very well be content having been able to resolve that these are my causes/beliefs etc., but if my life's actions don't reflect that, aren't I just on the sidelines? Observing others as I passively let life pass me by?
So I don't share this to discourage you, I'm mulling this over in my own life. I share this to shock you into an awareness! We should KNOW what we stand for and be able to communicate that clearly. Not only that, but the way we live our lives should REFLECT that. No more being swallowed by the current of trends. Again for me it's God and his unwavering Word, his unfailing love. I've resolved to stand on something that will last forever, something I can trust.
So let's stand-up! I think this world is definitely in need of more "Stander-uppers" and less "Sitter-downers"
Ps. "Stander-uppers" and "Sitter-downers" are both words that haven't been accepted into the dictionary....YET. I'm lookin' at you Merriam-Webster.